About Morphogénie

Morphogénie Logiciels is a free software edition company located in Marseille. Our main focus is the development of the tyssue library.

About Guillaume

A photo of me

My name is Guillaume Gay. I am currently working as an independent researcher and software developer in physical biology and cell biophysics.

I am a free software user and developer. I mostly use the Python programming language, with the wonderfull Numpy and friends libraries.

I studied physics and chemistry in Bordeaux, Strasbourg and Toulouse, France. During my PhD, I worked on experiments trying to combine laser cooled atoms and light fields generated by small apertures in metallic films, called surface plasmon polaritons. I defended my thesis in june 2006, and shortly after made a small jump to another building of my alma mater university in Toulouse and found myself in a cell biology lab, in Sylvie Tournier’s team. I was hired thanks to my optics know-how, in order to work on a FRAP and micro-discection apparatus on a wide field microscope. This left me with some spare time, so I started working on automated tracking procedures for microscopy images. This brought me to the fission yeast model organism, s.Pombe, and the fascinating process of mitosis. It occurred to me that the data we were gathering gave sufficient information for modeling purposes, so I started devising a model of chromosome segregation in fission yeast.

Parallel to this, I worked with V. Lobjois and C. Lorenzo, who are know part of the IP3D team at ITAV - a cancer research facility. to build a Selective Plane Imaging Microscope (or SPIM) to study proliferation in 3D cancer cell cultures. In 2008, I spent a semester at Los Andes University in Bogotá, Colombia as an invited professor in the biophysics group, where I worked on giant unilamellar vesicles sedimentation, taught basic physics to biology and medecine students, and learned Spanish.

Principal publications

Gay, G., Courtheoux, T., Reyes, C., Tournier, S., and Gachet, Y. 2012. A stochastic model of kinetochore–microtubule attachment accurately describes fission yeast chromosome segregation. The Journal of Cell Biology 196:757-774 .

Courtheoux, T., Gay, G., Gachet, Y., and Tournier, S. 2009. Ase1/Prc1-dependent spindle elongation corrects merotely during anaphase in fission yeast. Journal of Cell Biology 187:399–412.

Gay, G., Alloschery, O., de Lesegno, B. V., Weiner, J., and Lezec, H. J. 2006. Surface wave generation and propagation on metallic subwavelength structures measured by Far-Field interferometry. Physical Review Letters 96:213901+.

Gay, G., Alloschery, O., Viaris de Lesegno, B., O/’Dwyer, C., Weiner, J., and Lezec, H. J. 2006. The optical response of nanostructured surfaces and the composite diffracted evanescent wave model. Nature Physics 2:262–267.

Lorenzo, C., Frongia, C., Jorand, R., Fehrenbach, J., Weiss, P., Maandhui, A., Gay, G., Ducommun, B., and Lobjois, V. 2011. Live cell division dynamics monitoring in 3D large spheroid tumor models using light sheet microscopy. Cell Division 6:22+.

Suarez, I. A. R., Gay, G., Ladino, A., Gonzalez Mancera, A., and Leidy, C. 2010. Dynamics of sedimentation and deformation of GUVs under different tonicity conditions. In Biohyscial Society 54th Annual Meeting, volume 98, pp. 491a+.

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